Thursday, January 29, 2015


Security and contract concerns delay cloud adoption by EU businesses

John Whelan

Cloud computing allows businesses to store data.

Cloud computing allows businesses to store their data and carry out data processing in remote data centres, saving on average 10-20pc over the cost of installing their own IT storage.
But many business owners have concerns about using such systems, worried about everything from security to legal implications.
But a lack of knowledge is the main factor preventing businesses from using the cloud , according to the survey.
For those firms not using cloud services, insufficient knowledge was stated by 42pc of all firms across the EU as the main factor in 2014 preventing them from using this service. Another 37pc cited a risk of a security breach.
The trend towards using the cloud is clear and businesses should consider the advantages it can bring - from productivity to cost potential cost savings.
But it's evident that a lot more needs to be done to assuage concerns that businesses have. Once that's done, the take-up may be even swifter.

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